Looking for SerpBook coupon, deals and discounts?

Use this Serpbook Coupon to save 50% off your first month!

This page is updated often and offers huge discounts on new Serpbook accounts so you can track your search engine position rankings.

Serpbook is my recommended SERP rank tracker to monitor your SEO in Google, Yahoo! and Bing. For a small monthly fee, you can track up to 50 keywords and see where your webpages rank on an hourly basis.

How to Apply Your Serpbook Coupon

In order to receive our Serpbook discount, follow these steps to receive your 50% off discount:

1. Go to the Serpbook Homepage

Visit Serpbook.com to create your account and start tracking your SERP rankings.

2. Click “Sign Up Today”

Click the green “Sign Up Today” button located at the top left corner of the screen.

3. Click “Have a Coupon” and Enter the code “trial”

Serpbook asks you for a coupon code underneath the daily packages box just above “All of our Packages Include.” Click this box then enter the coupon code “trial” to unlock the first month discounts.

4. Choose Your Monthly Plan

Serpbook offers a first month discount on all its plans except for the “Simple Plan.” For most people, I recommend the Personal or Professional plan for starters. If you have a lot of keywords to track, then try the Extreme or Ultimate Plan.

5. Create a username and password

Create a username and password for your Serpbook account. It is common practice to use your email address as your username.

6. Enter your billing details through 2checkout

Enter your complete billing details including name, address and email.

7. Select a payment method

Serpbook accepts most major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover) and Paypal. Enter your payment details then click the Submit button to complete the transaction.